For the launch of the program series State 1-4 (2016-2018) from Rimini Protokoll in December 2016, the philosopher Boris Buden asked whether democracy is dead. Just over one year later, on the occasion of the presentation of the entire tetralogy in Berlin, he again poses the question of the diminishing of state influence in the political sphere and the historical “truth” of modern democracy. A homage to Rimini Protokoll’s “Experts of the Everyday”. To article...
According to Maik Novotny the large construction site is obsolete. Taking a look at Rimini Protokoll’s Gesellschaftsmodell Großbaustelle (Staat 2) the critic of architecture analyzes the struggle over the control levers of construction between top down and bottom up, problematic or merely simulated public participation, and the latest spectacular failures. A plea for the small building site. To article in German...
Major public construction sites are a phenomenon of our times. The costs skyrocket, politicians stumble, openings are delayed, the “general public” is no longer surprised by anything and is happy when something is actually completed (#Elbphilharmonie). On the occasion of the premier of the second part of the tetralogy series State 1-4 from Rimini Protokoll, Gesellschaftsmodell Großbaustelle (Staat 2), the American studies scholar Eva C. Schweitzer shares her thoughts on the complex network of relationships and the mythical value of major construction sites. To article...